Monday, July 14, 2008

Reflections on Copyright laws

Boy what a topic. I never considered the possibility of infringement as a teacher. I respect the fact that business want to protect their investment but I'm glad for the Fair Use laws that give educators the freedom to collect media for educational purposes. However, I still think there are too many restrictions placed on us. And I am appalled at the efforts of DVD and VHS media producers to prevent people from accessing or copying their media; I mean I can understand they want to protect their product but they should have some venue in mind to allow educators free access by rights of the Fair Use Laws. Teachers need to be more organized and aware of their rights in educating our country.

1 comment:

RAlv28 said...

Many teachers think about copyright implications when using the internet. I know I hardlt ever think about it but it is a big deal. I actually had a talk with my daughter about this such topic as we returned from Mexico before the Summer II class began. They were selling copied CD's and asked why don't stores sell them as cheap in the U.S. It all came down to the copyright laws and how it is supposed to be used to protect the person with the idea. I agree with your thought of a website for teachers free of legal issues. I think teachers need to have some kind of access without fear of breaking the law.